textual research textual criticism
In the 20 th century, literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism.
在20世纪, 文学的出处考据补充进了形式考据。
—— 辞典例句The textual criticisms on the problem are not enough.
—— 给力词典精选His liking for footnotes might have suited him to be an historian.
—— 给力词典精选Any resemblance to existing persons, places or events is entirely coincidental.
如有与现实人物 、 地点及事件之雷同,实乃巧合。请勿考据。
—— 给力词典精选He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, Confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, gazetteer, phonology and exegesis.
对天文 、 数学 、 经学 、 历算 、 地理 、 方志 、 音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。
—— 给力词典精选